Ok, like I said in an earliar post I will be writing about more unusual Civil War stuff. But before I do the info. from this post is out of a book my grampa got me for my b-day, thanks pop-pop! Anyways on with the facts. Did you know that Wilmer McLean (on the right) had a cannon ball crash through the roof of his house during the battle of Bull Run. He then moved to a farm where "The sound of battle would never reach him and his family again." Four years later, McLean's Appomatox Court House was used foe Lee's surrender to Grant. There was no collateral damage but souvenier-hunting union officers left McLean's parlor clean of furniture!! Next up, this is freaky,three members of the Guillet family were killed by riding the same horse. So they gave it to the Ohio 98th regement. Three officers were killed riding the same horse! Lieutenet Milliner (the only senior officer left on the field) then jumed on the jinxed animal. He cheated death but suffered all his life from a shattered arm from the minie ball he got while in the saddle. Ok sorry about the lessage of photos. As I'm posting this my internet connections down. Last story, a federal general ,Thomas Wilson, was hated by his fellow soldiers. During the battle of Baton Rouge Wilson was grabbed by his own men and held in front of a cannon before it was fired at the confederates. Well, hope you liked it, see ya.